The aim of the activity was to help the students understand Artificial Intelligence and its capabilities and how it might impact the future of learning and work in the world. It also aimed at helping the students in identifying the various forms of AI that are available to them and how they could utilize them to improve their work efficiency and build up their knowledge.


By conducting these activities in both the schools and sharing the findings, the students will be able to find ways of handling AI for the betterment of mankind in a collaborative manner.

v  Understanding and Comparing Advancement in AI in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Japan

Students in both the schools will collect information on how AI is progressing rapidly, encompassing anything from Google search to autonomous weapons and present a comparative study on the scope of AI in countries like India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Japan and exchange their findings in the form of PowerPoint Presentation and charts with each other.

v   Role Play on Inventions of AI

v   A role play on the achievements of AI will be conducted in both the schools which will cover the inventions possible by AI for eg. Tesla, Alexa, Google Assistant, Drone Capabilities, etc. A video recording of the role plays along with a questionnaire based on it will be exchanged with the partner school to analyze the learning acquired.

v  Special Assembly by Class X

Theme: Pros and Cons of AI

A special assembly will be conducted by the students of Class X highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of AI in order to help the audience understand its meaning and scope. 

v  Debate on the topic: AI- A Step Towards Destruction or Development

A debate will be organized for the students on the topic: AI- A Step Towards Destruction or Development. There will be focus on what will happen if AI changes into Artificial Super Intelligence.


At the end of the activity, the students will be able to:

Knowledge - gain an understanding of the various ways the world should handle the opportunities and risks offered by Artificial Intelligence (AI).                            

Skills- develop problem solving and critical thinking skills so that they can analyse the pros and cons of digital revolution across the countries chosen for study.

Attitude- appreciate AI as a friend in serving humanity with respect to human rights as well as for our environment & ecosystem.

Sustainable Development Goal 2 - Zero Hunger

Sustainable Development Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

Sustainable Development Goal 13 - Climate Action

Understanding and Comparing Advancement in AI in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Japan 

Role Play on Inventions of AI

 Chinmaya Scientists in ATL Lab

v  Debate on the topic: AI- A Step Towards Destruction or Development

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